🇸🇮 VAT ID for Slovenia

The VAT ID format in Slovenia is 'SI' plus 8 digits. A typical Slovenian VAT ID could be 'SI99999999'.

Start checking VAT numbers for Slovenia & others

Tax authority in Slovenia

The tax administration in Slovenia is managed by the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.

Slovenia is ...

Slovenia is known for its diverse terrain, including mountains, a short Adriatic coastline, and a charming central European culture.

VAT system in Slovenia

Being an EU member, Slovenia's VAT system adheres to the EU's common system of VAT.

Business & VAT in Slovenia

Situated in the heart of Europe, Slovenia's strategic location at the crossroads of main European cultural and trade routes is a significant advantage. It provides businesses with easy access to several markets, including Central Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Balkans.

It's well-developed transport infrastructure facilitates efficient logistics and trade activities.

SMEs play a vital role in Slovenia's economy, contributing significantly to employment and economic output. They span various sectors such as manufacturing, services, and information technology.

The Slovenian government provides a supportive environment for SMEs with various financial incentives, subsidies, and simplified regulatory measures.

Slovenia's EU membership provides businesses access to the single market, enhancing opportunities for trade and collaboration across Europe. However, this also entails compliance with EU regulations, which can be complex and challenging.

Despite the complexities, the benefits of a larger market, enhanced cooperation, and funding opportunities often outweigh the regulatory burdens.

Several sectors in Slovenia offer promising opportunities for foreign businesses, such as the automotive, pharmaceuticals, information technology, and tourism. The country's advanced digital infrastructure and skilled workforce make it an attractive destination for IT and tech firms.

Slovenia's commitment to sustainable practices also opens opportunities in the green and circular economy sectors.

Slovenia's tax system includes a standard VAT rate of 22%, and businesses must effectively manage their VAT obligations. Understanding and complying with VAT regulations is crucial as non-compliance can lead to severe financial penalties and legal consequences.

Thus, businesses need to invest time and resources into proper VAT management to ensure compliance and financial stability.

Economy in Slovenia

The business culture in Slovenia values hierarchy, relationships, and formal communication. Slovenian businesses may prefer a slow and steady approach to decision-making, emphasizing consensus over haste.

While English is widely spoken, understanding local customs and language nuances can contribute to successful business interactions.

Businesses in Slovenia face regulatory challenges concerning understanding and complying with Slovenian and EU laws, labor regulations, and environmental norms. Managing VAT obligations can also be complex due to the intricate tax system.

Therefore, businesses need to invest in regulatory compliance to maintain their operations and financial health.

Events like Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic have brought changes and uncertainties. Brexit has created new trade barriers, but also opportunities for Slovenia to attract businesses seeking an EU base.

Meanwhile, the pandemic has accelerated digital transformation trends, creating opportunities in e-commerce, remote work, and digital services.

Slovenian businesses are increasingly focusing on sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), adopting eco-friendly practices and integrating sustainability in their operations and business strategies.

They are supported by government policies and regulations that promote green initiatives and provide incentives for sustainable business practices.

The development of the EU's digital single market offers both challenges and opportunities. It opens up a larger market and promotes cross-border collaborations, but also introduces new regulations related to data protection, e-commerce, and digital taxation.

With a robust digital infrastructure and a highly skilled workforce, Slovenia is well-positioned to exploit the opportunities presented by the digital single market.

🇸🇮 VAT ID for Slovenia

The VAT ID format in Slovenia is 'SI' plus 8 digits. A typical Slovenian VAT ID could be 'SI99999999'.

The tax administration in Slovenia is managed by the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia. Slovenia, located in Central Europe, is known for its diverse terrain, including mountains, a short Adriatic coastline, and a charming central European culture. Being an EU member, Slovenia's VAT system adheres to the EU's common system of VAT.


Slovenia is a Central European country known for its mountains, ski resorts, and lakes. The country's capital, Ljubljana, has a variety of architectural styles, and Lake Bled, with its island church and medieval cliff-top castle, is a major tourist attraction. Slovenia's rich biodiversity and well-preserved nature, with many protected and natural parks, offer a wide range of ecosystems.

The Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia oversees tax administration. It's responsible for tax and customs duties, enforcing tax laws, and providing taxpayer services. The Financial Administration manages taxes such as income tax, corporate tax, and VAT.

Slovenia's VAT system complies with the EU's common system of VAT. The standard VAT rate in Slovenia is 22%, while a reduced rate of 9.5% applies to certain goods and services. The VAT ID in Slovenia follows the format 'SI' followed by 8 digits.

🇸🇮 VAT rates for Slovenia

When conducting business transactions in Slovenia, it's essential to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of VAT-related information. You can easily verify the validity of a company's VAT number through Slovenia VAT number verification services.

List of 🇸🇮 VAT rates Slovenia
VAT rate type VAT rate Specific categories of goods or services
Standard VAT rate in Slovenia 22% Other goods and services
Reduced VAT rate in Slovenia 9% Food
Exempt VAT rate in Slovenia 0% Healthcare services
Educational services
Financial services

By using Slovenia VAT validation methods, you can confidently look up and check VAT IDs online, confirming their authenticity and compliance with the required format. Through a seamless Slovenia VAT ID validation process, you can also verify a company's VAT registration status, guaranteeing smooth and compliant dealings.

Rest assured, with these reliable tools, you can verify Slovenia VAT numbers effortlessly and conduct business with confidence.