🇬🇷 VAT ID for Greece

A VAT ID in Greece follows the format 'EL' followed by 9 digits.
Despite the country code being GR, for VAT IDs it uses EL.
An example of a valid Greek VAT ID is 'EL999999999'.

Start checking VAT numbers for Greece & others

Tax authority in Greece

The tax administration in Greece falls under the purview of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue.

Greece is ...

Greece, located in Southeast Europe, is known for its ancient history, beautiful islands, and significant contributions to arts and sciences.

VAT system in Greece

As an EU member, its VAT system adheres to the EU's common system of VAT.

Business & VAT in Greece

Greece's economy is largely driven by the service sector, particularly tourism, which contributes significantly to the country's GDP. Other key sectors include shipping, agriculture, and manufacturing.

For new businesses, opportunities are emerging in technology-driven sectors like information and communications technology (ICT), renewable energy, and tourism-related services, given the country's favorable climate and rich cultural heritage.

The business culture in Greece is more relationship-driven compared to other European countries. Personal relationships and networks play an essential role in business interactions. The Greeks place a high value on trust, and business decisions are often influenced by personal rapport and mutual respect.

Meetings tend to be open and expressive, and decision-making processes might be slower due to a preference for consensus. Patience and flexibility can be valuable attributes in the Greek business environment.

Non-European businesses might face a few challenges when entering the Greek market. The country has been working on improving its business environment, but bureaucratic processes can still be time-consuming. Understanding and complying with local regulations, including those related to taxation, employment, and licensing, can be complex.

The enforcement of contracts and resolving insolvency can also be slower compared to other EU countries. However, Greece has been making efforts to modernize its regulatory framework and improve its business climate.

Digital transformation has significantly impacted Greece's business landscape, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which accelerated the shift towards digitalization. There has been a surge in e-commerce, and businesses across sectors have been incorporating digital technologies into their operations.

Increased adoption of digital tools has enhanced operational efficiency and customer engagement, and has opened new avenues for business growth. However, the pace of digital transformation varies across sectors and businesses, and there's a continuous need for skill enhancement and infrastructure development.

As a member of the EU, Greece follows the bloc's trade policies. This provides Greek businesses with free access to the EU's single market, as well as the benefits of the EU's numerous free trade agreements with countries around the world.

Trade policies have shaped the business environment, encouraging foreign investment and promoting the export-oriented growth of various sectors, particularly agriculture, food products, and manufacturing. However, global trade tensions and changes in EU trade policies can also impact the business environment.

Economy in Greece

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) form the backbone of the Greek economy, representing a significant portion of businesses and providing a substantial share of employment. They are predominant in sectors like retail, tourism, and agriculture.

The Greek government offers various forms of support for SMEs, including access to finance, incentives for innovation, and assistance with market access. There are also EU-funded programs aimed at supporting the growth and competitiveness of SMEs.

Businesses in Greece are increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Many companies have begun to incorporate sustainability principles into their operations, with a focus on environmental conservation, ethical business practices, and community development.

While the progress has been gradual, the trend towards sustainability and CSR is expected to gain momentum, driven by changing consumer preferences, regulatory requirements, and the potential for cost savings and improved business performance.

Greece follows the EU's VAT system, with a standard rate of 24%. VAT is a crucial aspect of business operations, particularly for companies involved in cross-border trade within the EU. Understanding and complying with VAT rules is essential for smooth business operations and avoidance of penalties.

Businesses can typically reclaim VAT paid on business expenses, subject to specific conditions. Accurate and timely VAT management is critical to ensure financial stability and integrity.

Major global events like Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic have required businesses in Greece to adapt and innovate. Brexit has necessitated adjustments in trade and business relations with the UK, while the pandemic has triggered a shift towards remote working and digital services.

Businesses have responded by accelerating digital transformation, enhancing business continuity measures, and exploring new markets and business models. Government support measures have also played a critical role in helping businesses navigate these challenges.

The EU's digital single market presents significant opportunities for Greek businesses by providing a larger, unified market for digital services. This facilitates cross-border e-commerce and encourages digital innovation. The digital single market can also enhance competition and consumer choice, and promote the growth of tech startups.

However, the digital single market also presents challenges. It requires compliance with EU-wide rules on issues such as data protection and digital taxation. Businesses need to stay updated with regulatory changes and technological advancements to thrive in this evolving environment.

🇬🇷 VAT ID for Greece

A VAT ID in Greece follows the format 'EL' followed by 9 digits (despite the country code being GR, for VAT IDs it uses EL). An example of a valid Greek VAT ID is 'EL999999999'.

The tax administration in Greece falls under the purview of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue. Greece, located in Southeast Europe, is known for its ancient history, beautiful islands, and significant contributions to arts and sciences. As an EU member, its VAT system adheres to the EU's common system of VAT.


Greece, located in Southeastern Europe, is known for its rich history and is considered the cradle of Western civilization. The country is famous for its ancient ruins, including the Parthenon, Delphi, and the city of Olympia, the birthplace of the Olympic Games. Greece's stunning Mediterranean coastline and islands, delicious cuisine, and vibrant culture make it a popular tourist destination.

The Independent Authority for Public Revenue, under the supervision of the Greek Ministry of Finance, is responsible for the country's tax administration. They enforce tax laws, collect taxes, and provide taxpayer services. They oversee various taxes, including income tax, corporate tax, and VAT.

The VAT system in Greece follows the EU's common system. The standard VAT rate is 24%, with reduced rates of 13% and 6% for specific goods and services. Greek VAT numbers begin with 'EL' followed by 9 digits.

🇬🇷 VAT rates for Greece

When conducting business transactions in Greece, it's essential to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of VAT-related information. You can easily verify the validity of a company's VAT number through Greece VAT number verification services.

List of 🇬🇷 VAT rates Greece
VAT rate type VAT rate Specific categories of goods or services
Standard VAT rate in Greece 24% Other goods and services
Reduced VAT rate in Greece 13% Food
Exempt VAT rate in Greece 0% Healthcare services
Educational services
Financial services

By using Greece VAT validation methods, you can confidently look up and check VAT IDs online, confirming their authenticity and compliance with the required format. Through a seamless Greece VAT ID validation process, you can also verify a company's VAT registration status, guaranteeing smooth and compliant dealings.

Rest assured, with these reliable tools, you can verify Greece VAT numbers effortlessly and conduct business with confidence.