🇱🇻 VAT ID for Latvia

The Latvian VAT ID format is 'LV' followed by 11 digits.
A typical Latvian VAT ID could be 'LV99999999999'.

Start checking VAT numbers for Latvia & others

Tax authority in Latvia

The State Revenue Service manages tax administration in Latvia.

Latvia is ...

Located in Northern Europe, Latvia is known for its diverse culture, sandy beaches, and extensive forests.

VAT system in Latvia

As an EU member, its VAT system aligns with the EU's common system of VAT.

Business & VAT in Latvia

Latvia's geographic location offers significant benefits to businesses. It is strategically located as a gateway between the EU, Russia, and the CIS countries, offering excellent logistics and transportation networks, including ports, railways, and road networks.

This location advantage makes Latvia a suitable base for manufacturing, distribution, and logistics operations, especially for businesses involved in import-export or looking to access multiple markets.

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are vital to Latvia's economy. They represent a substantial portion of businesses in the country, contributing significantly to job creation and economic output.

The Latvian government provides several support measures for SMEs, including access to finance, training and development programs, and business incubators, to promote entrepreneurship and SME growth.

Latvia's membership in the EU positively impacts its business environment. It provides businesses with access to the EU's single market, which facilitates the free movement of goods, services, capital, and labor.

Being part of the EU also subjects Latvia to the EU's legal and regulatory framework, which, while ensuring stability and consumer protection, requires businesses to comply with certain standards and regulations.

Several industries in Latvia offer good opportunities for foreign businesses. These include the information technology sector, which is rapidly growing thanks to a skilled workforce and supportive government policies. The logistics and transportation sector also offers opportunities due to Latvia's strategic location.

Other promising sectors include manufacturing, green energy, and tourism. The country's ongoing economic diversification and innovation efforts also present opportunities for businesses in emerging sectors.

Latvia's tax system impacts businesses in various ways. The country has a corporate income tax rate of 20%, which is competitive compared to other EU countries. It also applies a standard VAT rate of 21% on most goods and services.

Businesses operating in Latvia must comply with these tax regulations, and those engaged in cross-border trade within the EU must also understand and navigate EU VAT rules to avoid potential issues.

Economy in Latvia

Latvian business culture shares many similarities with other Northern European countries. It values punctuality, directness, and professionalism. However, building personal relationships is also important in Latvian business culture.

Hierarchy is respected in Latvian businesses, and decision-making is often centralized. Moreover, business negotiations tend to be detail-oriented, and contracts are taken very seriously.

Businesses in Latvia face several regulatory challenges. These include navigating the country's complex tax system and complying with EU regulations, particularly those related to data protection and environmental standards.

Despite efforts to streamline its bureaucratic processes, businesses might still encounter red tape, particularly when dealing with administrative matters such as business registration and permits.

Global events like Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic have significantly impacted the business environment in Latvia. Brexit has changed trade relationships and dynamics between Latvia and the UK, potentially affecting businesses involved in trade between the two countries.

The COVID-19 pandemic, on the other hand, has disrupted supply chains, forced businesses to adapt to remote work and digital models, and created economic uncertainty. However, it has also accelerated digital transformation and innovation across sectors.

Latvian businesses are increasingly embracing sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Companies are investing in eco-friendly practices, renewable energy, and sustainable sourcing to reduce their environmental impact.

CSR initiatives are also on the rise, with businesses focusing on ethical business practices, employee welfare, and community engagement. These efforts are not only ethically sound but also beneficial for companies in terms of building reputation and customer trust.

The rise of the digital single market in the EU presents both challenges and opportunities for businesses in Latvia. It opens up new markets for Latvian digital services and products, fostering digital innovation and e-commerce.

However, it also requires businesses to comply with EU-wide rules on issues like data protection, digital taxation, and online consumer rights. This necessitates businesses to stay updated with these evolving regulations and continually enhance their digital capabilities.

🇱🇻 VAT ID for Latvia

The Latvian VAT ID format is 'LV' followed by 11 digits. A typical Latvian VAT ID could be 'LV99999999999'.

The State Revenue Service manages tax administration in Latvia. Located in Northern Europe, Latvia is known for its diverse culture, sandy beaches, and extensive forests. As an EU member, its VAT system aligns with the EU's common system of VAT.


Located in Northern Europe, Latvia is known for its diverse culture, sandy beaches, and extensive forests. The country boasts a rich blend of different cultures due to its historical position as a crossroad between East and West. It has a unique cultural heritage, with traditional songs, or dainas, forming an integral part of its national identity. The capital city, Riga, is renowned for its Art Nouveau architecture.

The State Revenue Service manages tax administration in Latvia. The organization is responsible for collecting state taxes, duties, and other mandatory payments. The State Revenue Service oversees the collection of VAT, income tax, corporate tax, property tax, and other fiscal levies.

Latvia's VAT system aligns with the EU's common system of VAT. The standard VAT rate is 21%. Reduced rates of 12% and 5% apply to certain goods and services. The VAT ID in Latvia is 'LV' followed by 11 digits.

🇱🇻 VAT rates for Latvia

When conducting business transactions in Latvia, it's essential to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of VAT-related information. You can easily verify the validity of a company's VAT number through Latvia VAT number verification services.

List of 🇱🇻 VAT rates Latvia
VAT rate type VAT rate Specific categories of goods or services
Standard VAT rate in Latvia 21% Other goods and services
Reduced VAT rate in Latvia 12% Food
Reduced VAT rate in Latvia 5% Water
Non-alcoholic beverages
Exempt VAT rate in Latvia 0% Healthcare services
Educational services
Financial services

By using Latvia VAT validation methods, you can confidently look up and check VAT IDs online, confirming their authenticity and compliance with the required format. Through a seamless Latvia VAT ID validation process, you can also verify a company's VAT registration status, guaranteeing smooth and compliant dealings.

Rest assured, with these reliable tools, you can verify Latvia VAT numbers effortlessly and conduct business with confidence.