🇲🇹 VAT ID for Malta

In Malta, a VAT ID follows the format 'MT' plus 8 digits.
An example of a Maltese VAT ID is 'MT99999999'.

Start checking VAT numbers for Malta & others

Tax authority in Malta

The Malta Revenue Department manages tax administration in the country.

Malta is ...

Malta is an archipelago in the central Mediterranean, known for its historic sites tied to Roman, Moorish, and British rule.

VAT system in Malta

As an EU member, its VAT system adheres to the EU's common system of VAT.

Business & VAT in Malta

Malta's central location in the Mediterranean, between Europe and North Africa, makes it an attractive hub for businesses targeting these markets. It serves as a bridge between the European Union and Africa, providing companies with unique opportunities for expansion and trade.

Its excellent port facilities also make it a major player in the shipping industry.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) form the backbone of Malta's economy. They account for a significant portion of employment and contribute to economic growth. The sectors in which SMEs operate in Malta are diverse, ranging from tourism and retail to manufacturing and services.

The government offers a wide range of support measures for SMEs, including access to financing, business development services, and tax incentives.

Malta's EU membership provides access to the European single market, promoting free movement of goods, services, people, and capital. It provides businesses with a larger customer base and increased opportunities for collaboration and investment.

However, it also means adherence to EU rules and regulations, which may be complex and require businesses to maintain regulatory compliance.

Several industries in Malta offer lucrative opportunities for foreign businesses. These include the iGaming industry, finance, manufacturing, information technology, maritime services, and tourism.

Malta's growing reputation as a blockchain island also presents opportunities in fintech and digital innovation.

Malta's tax system is considered favorable for businesses. It has a full imputation system where tax paid by a company on its profits is fully imputed to shareholders when profits are distributed.

Malta's standard VAT rate is 18%, and businesses must be vigilant in managing their VAT obligations to avoid potential penalties and ensure optimal tax efficiency.

Economy in Malta

Malta's business culture is a blend of Southern European and British influences. It values relationship-building, trust, and respect. Decision-making can sometimes be hierarchical, and it is common for meetings to start with informal small talk.

Despite its small size, Malta has a diverse business environment, reflecting its strategic location and historical influences.

Businesses in Malta must navigate various regulatory challenges. These include staying compliant with EU regulations, local business laws, and tax regulations, including VAT.

Malta's commitment to combating money laundering and financial crimes means businesses, particularly in finance and gaming sectors, face stringent regulatory controls.

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted Malta's economy, particularly tourism and related sectors. However, the crisis has also accelerated digital transformation, providing new opportunities in tech and digital sectors.

Brexit has caused some disruptions, but it has also led some UK-based businesses to consider Malta as a base to maintain access to the EU market.

Maltese businesses are increasingly embracing sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Sectors such as tourism and manufacturing are adopting environmentally friendly practices, and there's growing interest in sustainable finance.

The government also promotes CSR and has established frameworks to encourage businesses to integrate sustainable practices into their operations.

The development of the EU's digital single market presents both opportunities and challenges for Maltese businesses. The increased customer base and potential for collaboration across borders present exciting opportunities.

However, businesses must also navigate new regulations on data protection, online transactions, and digital taxation. Malta's efforts in digital innovation and blockchain technology may provide a competitive edge in this evolving landscape.

🇲🇹 VAT ID for Malta

In Malta, a VAT ID follows the format 'MT' plus 8 digits. An example of a Maltese VAT ID is 'MT99999999'.

The Malta Revenue Department manages tax administration in the country. Malta is an archipelago in the central Mediterranean, known for its historic sites tied to Roman, Moorish, and British rule. As an EU member, its VAT system adheres to the EU's common system of VAT.


Malta is an archipelago in the central Mediterranean, known for its rich history and cultural sites tied to Roman, Moorish, Knights of Saint John, and British rule. Its capital, Valletta, is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The country is also famous for its blue waters, diving spots, and warm climate.

The Malta Revenue Department manages tax administration in the country. The department administers taxes such as income tax, corporate tax, property tax, and VAT, ensuring taxpayer compliance and facilitating payments.

As an EU member, Malta's VAT system adheres to the EU's common system of VAT. The standard VAT rate in Malta is 18%, while reduced rates of 7%, 5%, and 0% are applied to certain goods and services. The VAT ID in Malta follows the format 'MT' plus 8 digits.

🇲🇹 VAT rates for Malta

When conducting business transactions in Malta, it's essential to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of VAT-related information. You can easily verify the validity of a company's VAT number through Malta VAT number verification services.

List of 🇲🇹 VAT rates Malta
VAT rate type VAT rate Specific categories of goods or services
Standard VAT rate in Malta 18% Other goods and services
Reduced VAT rate in Malta 7% Food
Exempt VAT rate in Malta 0% Healthcare services
Educational services
Financial services

By using Malta VAT validation methods, you can confidently look up and check VAT IDs online, confirming their authenticity and compliance with the required format. Through a seamless Malta VAT ID validation process, you can also verify a company's VAT registration status, guaranteeing smooth and compliant dealings.

Rest assured, with these reliable tools, you can verify Malta VAT numbers effortlessly and conduct business with confidence.