🇮🇪 VAT ID for Ireland

The Irish VAT ID format is 'IE' plus 7 characters,
which may include one or two letters at the end.
An example of an Irish VAT ID is 'IE9999999W'.

Start checking VAT numbers for Ireland & others

Tax authority in Ireland

The Revenue Commissioners manage tax administration in Ireland.

Ireland is ...

Located in Northwestern Europe, Ireland is renowned for its vibrant culture, lush landscapes, and historic landmarks.

VAT system in Ireland

As an EU member, its VAT system aligns with the EU's common system of VAT.

Business & VAT in Ireland

Ireland has become a hub for foreign businesses due to several factors. One is its highly educated and English-speaking workforce, which makes communication and business transactions seamless for international companies.

The country's low corporate tax rate, currently at 12.5%, also plays a significant role in attracting foreign businesses. Additionally, Ireland provides a robust infrastructure for research and development, thereby encouraging innovation.

Irish business culture is characterised by a strong focus on relationships. Businesspeople in Ireland often prefer to build personal relationships before engaging in business discussions.

The decision-making process may be consensus-oriented and less hierarchical than in some other European cultures. Communication style tends to be diplomatic, yet direct and honest.

Non-European businesses entering the Irish market need to understand and adhere to European and Irish laws and regulations. These include labor laws, tax laws, data protection laws, and environmental regulations.

Despite Ireland's pro-business environment, some sectors are heavily regulated, and understanding these regulations may be a challenge for businesses from outside the EU.

Digital transformation has significantly impacted the business environment in Ireland. Irish businesses have embraced digital technologies to streamline operations, improve customer service, and increase competitiveness.

Industries such as finance, retail, and technology have been at the forefront of this transformation. The trend towards digitalization continues to create opportunities for businesses in various sectors.

As a member of the EU, Ireland adheres to EU trade policies. This grants it access to the single market, which facilitates trade and investment. Furthermore, Ireland benefits from free trade agreements that the EU has with other countries.

Such policies have shaped Ireland's open economy and encouraged foreign investment. However, international trade disputes or changes in EU policies can impact Ireland's business environment.

Economy in Ireland

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) form the backbone of Ireland's economy, contributing significantly to employment and economic output. The government provides several support mechanisms to SMEs, including funding schemes, mentorship programs, and assistance in research and development.

Initiatives are also in place to assist SMEs in the digital transformation journey, as part of the broader strategy to enhance competitiveness and innovation within the SME sector.

Irish businesses are increasingly recognising the importance of sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Many businesses are integrating sustainable practices and CSR into their operations and corporate strategies.

Businesses across sectors are taking initiatives to reduce their environmental impact, foster social equity, and promote good governance. This trend is expected to continue, with businesses recognising the long-term benefits of sustainable and responsible practices.

As an EU member, Ireland's VAT system impacts businesses operating in the country. Businesses need to accurately calculate and report VAT, ensuring compliance with tax obligations and smooth transactions, particularly for those involved in cross-border trade within the EU.

Proper VAT management is crucial for maintaining financial health and avoiding legal issues. The standard VAT rate in Ireland is 23%, and businesses need to account for this when planning finances and pricing products or services.

Irish businesses have had to adapt to significant changes due to global events such as Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic. Brexit has led to adjustments in trade relations with the UK, and the pandemic has fast-tracked digital transformation and flexible work arrangements.

While these events presented challenges, they also offered opportunities for businesses to innovate, diversify, and strengthen resilience. Government support measures have played a vital role in helping businesses navigate through these uncertain times.

The EU's digital single market presents a host of opportunities for Irish businesses. It allows for a larger, unified market for digital services, fostering cross-border e-commerce and digital innovation.

However, it also comes with challenges, such as the need to comply with EU-wide rules on data protection, digital taxation, and other aspects of the digital economy. Businesses in Ireland need to stay abreast of these changes and continue to enhance their digital capabilities to leverage the opportunities of the digital single market.

🇮🇪 VAT ID for Ireland

The Irish VAT ID format is 'IE' plus 7 characters, which may include one or two letters at the end. An example of an Irish VAT ID is 'IE9999999W'.

The Revenue Commissioners manage tax administration in Ireland. Located in Northwestern Europe, Ireland is renowned for its vibrant culture, lush landscapes, and historic landmarks. As an EU member, its VAT system aligns with the EU's common system of VAT.


Located in Northwestern Europe, Ireland is an island nation known for its vibrant culture, lush landscapes, historic landmarks, and captivating folklore. Its rich history dates back thousands of years, with its ancient Celtic heritage still visible in many aspects of Irish culture today.

The tax administration in Ireland is managed by the Revenue Commissioners, who are responsible for enforcing tax laws and facilitating the collection of taxes and duties. They oversee numerous taxes including Value Added Tax (VAT), corporate tax, income tax, customs duties, and excise duties.

As a member of the European Union, Ireland's VAT system adheres to the EU's common system of VAT. The standard VAT rate in Ireland is 23%, but reduced rates of 13.5%, 9%, 4.8%, and 0% are applied to certain goods and services. The country also uses a special 5.4% rate for farming. VAT ID numbers in Ireland follow the format 'IE' plus 8 digits, and an additional letter W in some cases.

🇮🇪 VAT rates for Ireland

When conducting business transactions in Ireland, it's essential to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of VAT-related information. You can easily verify the validity of a company's VAT number through Ireland VAT number verification services.

List of 🇮🇪 VAT rates Ireland
VAT rate type VAT rate Specific categories of goods or services
Standard VAT rate in Ireland 23% Other goods and services
Reduced VAT rate in Ireland 9% Food
Reduced VAT rate in Ireland 4% Water
Non-alcoholic beverages
Exempt VAT rate in Ireland 0% Medical services
Educational services
Financial services

By using Ireland VAT validation methods, you can confidently look up and check VAT IDs online, confirming their authenticity and compliance with the required format. Through a seamless Ireland VAT ID validation process, you can also verify a company's VAT registration status, guaranteeing smooth and compliant dealings.

Rest assured, with these reliable tools, you can verify Ireland VAT numbers effortlessly and conduct business with confidence.