🇧🇬 VAT ID for Bulgaria

In Bulgaria, a VAT ID is formatted as 'BG' followed by 9 or 10 digits.
An example of a valid VAT ID in Bulgaria is 'BG999999999'.

Start checking VAT numbers for Bulgaria & others

Tax authority in Bulgaria

The National Revenue Agency handles tax administration in Bulgaria.

Bulgaria is ...

The country is in Southeast Europe, recognized for its diverse terrain encompassing Black Sea coastline, rivers, and ski resorts.

VAT system in Bulgaria

Being an EU member, Bulgaria's VAT system is harmonized with the EU VAT system.

Business & VAT in Bulgaria

Bulgaria's key sectors that hold potential for new businesses include information and communication technology (ICT), agriculture, manufacturing, and energy, particularly renewable energy. The country's ICT sector is one of the fastest-growing in the region, bolstered by a skilled workforce and competitive costs.

Additionally, Bulgaria's robust agricultural sector and emerging tourism industry offer promising opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors. The government also encourages new startups with numerous incentives, especially in technological innovation and R&D activities.

Bulgarian business culture places great emphasis on building personal relationships and trust. Meetings start with casual conversations before delving into business matters. Also, decision-making can be hierarchical, with senior-level executives playing a significant role.

In contrast to the more direct communication style of some Western countries, Bulgarians often use indirect and diplomatic language in business settings. Patience, respect for traditions, and understanding the local culture and language are advantageous when doing business in Bulgaria.

Non-European businesses may face several regulatory challenges when entering the Bulgarian market. Understanding the local legal system, corporate laws, and labor laws is essential. The process of business registration and acquiring necessary permits can be lengthy.

Moreover, while Bulgaria's corporate tax rates are among the lowest in the EU, companies need to adapt to specific VAT procedures and requirements. Additionally, the issue of corruption can be a challenge, although the government is taking measures to improve the business and regulatory environment.

The rise of digital technology and e-commerce has had a significant impact on the Bulgarian business landscape. Many businesses are shifting online to tap into the growing number of internet users and the increasing popularity of online shopping.

However, with this digital transformation, businesses face new challenges, such as ensuring data security, dealing with cyber threats, and complying with regulations on digital transactions and data protection. Companies in the digital sector also struggle with a shortage of skilled IT professionals, despite the overall strong performance of the ICT sector.

As an EU member state, Bulgaria adheres to the EU's common trade policy, enabling free trade among member countries. This policy benefits Bulgarian businesses by allowing access to a vast single market without customs duties or restrictions.

However, businesses in Bulgaria also need to comply with EU trade agreements and regulations when dealing with non-EU countries. This can involve understanding complex customs procedures, tariffs, and non-tariff barriers. The EU's trade stance, whether protectionist or liberal, also indirectly impacts Bulgaria's trade scenario.

Economy in Bulgaria

SMEs play a pivotal role in Bulgaria's economy, contributing significantly to employment and GDP. They operate across various sectors, including trade, manufacturing, agriculture, and services.

The Bulgarian government offers several support measures for SMEs, including financial aid, tax incentives, and reduced bureaucratic procedures. Various EU-funded programs also provide resources for SME development, innovation, and competitiveness.

Bulgarian businesses are gradually integrating sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) into their operations. More companies are embracing green technologies, energy efficiency, and waste reduction practices. However, the progress is somewhat slower compared to other EU countries.

CSR is also gaining importance, with companies investing in social projects and employee welfare initiatives. The government promotes CSR by giving awards to companies demonstrating good practices, while customers are increasingly favoring products and services of companies showing strong social and environmental responsibility.

Bulgaria follows the EU's VAT system, with a standard rate of 20%. For businesses engaged in cross-border trade within the EU, it is crucial to understand the VAT system, which can be complex with rules regarding the place of supply, VAT exemptions, and VAT refunds.

Proper VAT management helps avoid penalties and optimizes cash flow. For intra-community supplies, zero-rating VAT benefits are available. There's also a possibility of recovering input VAT, subject to certain conditions.

Significant global events like Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic have had substantial effects on Bulgarian businesses. Brexit has affected businesses with significant ties to the UK, requiring them to adjust to new trade rules and potential supply chain disruptions.

The COVID-19 pandemic led to temporary business closures and forced many to pivot towards digital operations. The Bulgarian government provided economic relief measures, including wage support, deferral of tax payments, and low-interest loans for businesses.

The rise of the digital single market in the EU presents significant opportunities for Bulgarian businesses, particularly those in the ICT sector. It allows businesses to operate more easily across borders, offering access to a larger customer base and the potential for increased scale and efficiency.

However, adapting to the digital single market also comes with challenges, such as increased competition, the need to comply with EU-wide digital regulations, and managing cybersecurity risks. Businesses need to be agile and innovative to leverage the opportunities of the digital single market.

🇧🇬 VAT ID for Bulgaria

In Bulgaria, a VAT ID is formatted as 'BG' followed by 9 or 10 digits. An example of a valid VAT ID in Bulgaria is 'BG999999999'.

The National Revenue Agency handles tax administration in Bulgaria. The country is in Southeast Europe, recognized for its diverse terrain encompassing Black Sea coastline, rivers, and ski resorts. Being an EU member, Bulgaria's VAT system is harmonized with the EU VAT system.


Situated in Southeast Europe, Bulgaria is a country known for its diverse terrain encompassing Black Sea coastline, rivers, and mountainous regions. Bulgaria's rich cultural heritage is a blend of Thracian, Roman, and Byzantine influences, reflected in its architecture, cuisine, and festivals.

The National Revenue Agency (NRA) is responsible for the administration of tax and social security matters in Bulgaria, which includes the collection of Value Added Tax (VAT), personal income tax, corporate tax, and other fiscal responsibilities.

As a member of the European Union, Bulgaria adheres to the common EU VAT system. The standard VAT rate in Bulgaria is 20%, with a reduced rate of 9% applied to specific goods and services. VAT identification numbers in Bulgaria follow the format 'BG' followed by nine or ten digits, facilitating efficient intra-community transactions and tax-related procedures within the European Union.

🇧🇬 VAT rates for Bulgaria

When conducting business transactions in Bulgaria, it's essential to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of VAT-related information. You can easily verify the validity of a company's VAT number through Bulgaria VAT number verification services.

List of 🇧🇬 VAT rates Bulgaria
VAT rate type VAT rate Specific categories of goods or services
Standard VAT rate in Bulgaria 20% Other goods and services
Reduced VAT rate in Bulgaria 9% Food
Exempt VAT rate in Bulgaria 0% Medical services
Educational services
Financial services

By using Bulgaria VAT validation methods, you can confidently look up and check VAT IDs online, confirming their authenticity and compliance with the required format. Through a seamless Bulgaria VAT ID validation process, you can also verify a company's VAT registration status, guaranteeing smooth and compliant dealings.

Rest assured, with these reliable tools, you can verify Bulgaria VAT numbers effortlessly and conduct business with confidence.