🇱🇹 VAT ID for Lithuania

In Lithuania, a VAT ID is composed of 'LT' followed by 9 or 12 digits.
An example of a Lithuanian VAT ID is 'LT999999999' or 'LT999999999999'.

Start checking VAT numbers for Lithuania & others

Tax authority in Lithuania

Tax administration in Lithuania is the responsibility of the State Tax Inspectorate.

Lithuania is ...

Located in the Baltic region of Europe, Lithuania is known for its rich history, beautiful landscapes, and Amber Coast.

VAT system in Lithuania

As part of the EU, its VAT system adheres to the EU's common system of VAT.

Business & VAT in Lithuania

Lithuania's geographic position in Northern Europe provides businesses with strategic access to the European, CIS, and Asian markets. The country acts as a transportation hub with its developed infrastructure of rail, road, air, and maritime routes.

Its location by the Baltic Sea offers advantages for sectors like logistics, shipping, and tourism. Furthermore, its proximity to other Baltic and Nordic countries presents opportunities for regional partnerships and market access.

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) play a significant role in Lithuania's economy. They account for a substantial portion of the country's business entities and are responsible for a large share of employment.

The government offers various support mechanisms for SMEs, such as financial incentives, innovation vouchers, and advisory services, making the country attractive for startups and entrepreneurship.

Lithuania's EU membership positively influences its business environment. It facilitates the free movement of goods, services, capital, and labor, providing businesses with a larger market to operate in.

Being part of the EU also means adhering to EU regulations, which can be challenging but ensures stability, fairness, and consumer protection in business practices.

Lithuania offers numerous opportunities across various sectors for foreign businesses. The IT sector is booming, thanks to a highly educated workforce, advanced infrastructure, and supportive government initiatives.

The life sciences industry is another growing sector. Other sectors offering opportunities include logistics, manufacturing, renewable energy, and tourism. Lithuania's focus on innovation and technological development opens possibilities in emerging fields as well.

Lithuania's tax system has a direct impact on businesses operating in the country. Lithuania imposes a standard corporate income tax rate of 15% and a standard VAT rate of 21%, which businesses must comply with.

Understanding and effectively managing these tax obligations, along with EU VAT rules for cross-border trade, is crucial for businesses to avoid legal issues and optimize their fiscal performance.

Economy in Lithuania

Lithuania's business culture exhibits characteristics common to Northern Europe, including punctuality, directness, and efficiency. However, personal relationships and trust are also considered important in business dealings.

Moreover, Lithuanian businesses are generally open to innovation and new technologies, making the country an attractive location for businesses in the tech sector.

While Lithuania offers a favorable business environment, companies face regulatory challenges, such as navigating the tax system and adhering to EU regulations. Issues like data protection, environmental standards, and consumer rights can be complex to manage.

Additionally, bureaucratic procedures, such as getting permits and licenses, can sometimes be time-consuming, though the country has made considerable efforts to simplify these processes.

Global events such as Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic have had significant effects on Lithuania's business environment. Brexit led to changes in trade dynamics and market access between Lithuania and the UK, affecting businesses involved in this trade corridor.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought disruptions but also prompted a rapid shift towards digitalization and remote work. It created opportunities in sectors such as e-commerce, IT, and telecommunication but challenged industries like tourism and hospitality.

There is a growing emphasis on sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) among Lithuanian businesses. Companies are investing in sustainable technologies and practices to reduce their environmental footprint.

Many businesses are also engaging in CSR activities focusing on employee welfare, community involvement, and ethical business practices. This trend is driven by consumer preferences, potential cost savings, and regulatory requirements, as well as the overall benefits of a good corporate reputation.

The rise of the digital single market in the EU presents both opportunities and challenges for Lithuanian businesses. On one hand, it provides access to a larger customer base and encourages digital innovation.

On the other hand, it introduces new regulatory requirements on data protection, digital taxation, and online consumer rights. Companies need to keep up with these evolving rules and enhance their digital capabilities to thrive in this integrated market.

🇱🇹 VAT ID for Lithuania

In Lithuania, a VAT ID is composed of 'LT' followed by 9 or 12 digits. An example of a Lithuanian VAT ID is 'LT999999999' or 'LT999999999999'.

Tax administration in Lithuania is the responsibility of the State Tax Inspectorate. Located in the Baltic region of Europe, Lithuania is known for its rich history, beautiful landscapes, and Amber Coast. As part of the EU, its VAT system adheres to the EU's common system of VAT.


Lithuania is a Northern European country located along the southeastern shore of the Baltic Sea. It is known for its rich history, beautiful landscapes, the Amber Coast, and its capital, Vilnius, recognized for its Baroque architecture and Old Town, designated a UNESCO World Heritage site.

The tax administration in Lithuania is the responsibility of the State Tax Inspectorate. This institution manages the administration and collection of various taxes, including income tax, corporate tax, property tax, and VAT. It ensures compliance with tax laws and provides information and services to taxpayers.

The Lithuanian VAT system aligns with the EU's common system of VAT. The standard VAT rate in Lithuania is 21%, with reduced rates of 9% and 5% applied to certain goods and services. The VAT ID in Lithuania follows the format 'LT' plus 9 or 12 digits.

🇱🇹 VAT rates for Lithuania

When conducting business transactions in Lithuania, it's essential to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of VAT-related information. You can easily verify the validity of a company's VAT number through Lithuania VAT number verification services.

List of 🇱🇹 VAT rates Lithuania
VAT rate type VAT rate Specific categories of goods or services
Standard VAT rate in Lithuania 21% Other goods and services
Reduced VAT rate in Lithuania 9% Food
Exempt VAT rate in Lithuania 0% Healthcare services
Educational services
Financial services

By using Lithuania VAT validation methods, you can confidently look up and check VAT IDs online, confirming their authenticity and compliance with the required format. Through a seamless Lithuania VAT ID validation process, you can also verify a company's VAT registration status, guaranteeing smooth and compliant dealings.

Rest assured, with these reliable tools, you can verify Lithuania VAT numbers effortlessly and conduct business with confidence.