🇱🇺 VAT ID for Luxembourg

The VAT ID format in Luxembourg is 'LU' plus 8 digits.
An example of a Luxembourg VAT ID is 'LU99999999'.

Start checking VAT numbers for Luxembourg & others

Tax authority in Luxembourg

The Administration of Registration, Estates and VAT handles tax administration in Luxembourg.

Luxembourg is ...

A small country in Western Europe, Luxembourg is known for its developed economy, high standard, and the historic Luxembourg City.

VAT system in Luxembourg

As an EU member, Luxembourg's VAT system complies with the EU's common system of VAT.

Business & VAT in Luxembourg

Luxembourg's geographic location at the heart of Western Europe provides strategic advantages for businesses. Its proximity to major European markets, including France, Germany, and Belgium, offers businesses easy access to millions of potential customers.

The country has excellent transportation infrastructure, making it a hub for logistics and shipping operations in Europe.

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are critical for Luxembourg's economy, contributing significantly to economic growth and employment. They span across various sectors, including retail, services, manufacturing, and ICT.

The Luxembourg government provides substantial support for SMEs, such as easy access to funding, incentives for innovation, and a robust startup ecosystem.

As an EU member, Luxembourg benefits from the single market's free movement of goods, services, capital, and labor. It also adheres to the EU's rules and regulations, which standardize business operations and protect consumer rights.

However, the country must also navigate complex EU policies and regulations, which can be a challenge for businesses, especially SMEs.

Luxembourg offers ample opportunities across different sectors. It is a prominent global center for banking, finance, and insurance, attracting many foreign businesses.

The ICT sector is another area with significant growth, driven by the government's digitalization efforts and investment in high-speed internet and data centers. Other promising sectors include logistics, space technologies, clean energy, and biotechnology.

Luxembourg has a business-friendly tax regime that can be favorable for businesses. It has a comparatively low corporate tax rate among EU countries, and its VAT rate is 17%, one of the lowest in the EU.

However, businesses must accurately handle their VAT obligations, especially those involved in cross-border transactions, to prevent issues with tax authorities and optimize their tax position.

Economy in Luxembourg

Luxembourg's business culture is influenced by its multilingual and multicultural environment. It values precision, reliability, and diplomacy. Personal relationships and networks also play a critical role in business interactions.

Luxembourg's business culture also emphasizes sustainability and corporate social responsibility, reflecting the country's commitment to becoming a leader in sustainable finance.

While Luxembourg offers a favorable business environment, companies face regulatory challenges, especially in the financial sector. The financial industry is heavily regulated, and companies must comply with stringent rules and regulations, both local and from the EU.

Businesses also need to navigate the complexities of VAT regulations and other tax rules, which can be particularly complex for those engaged in cross-border transactions.

Global events like Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic have had significant impacts on Luxembourg. Brexit has caused disruptions in financial and trade relationships with the UK, forcing businesses to adjust their strategies.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected several sectors, but it has also accelerated digital transformation and remote working trends, providing new opportunities in the digital and ICT sectors.

Luxembourg businesses are actively embracing sustainability and CSR. The financial sector, in particular, has become a pioneer in green and sustainable finance.

Companies across various sectors are adopting sustainable practices, driven by regulatory requirements, customer demand, and the recognition that sustainability can be a competitive advantage.

The rise of the digital single market presents both opportunities and challenges for Luxembourg businesses. It offers a larger customer base and encourages digital innovation. Luxembourg's strong ICT infrastructure positions it well to capitalize on these opportunities.

However, this development also introduces new regulatory requirements around data protection, digital taxation, and online consumer rights. Companies need to navigate these evolving rules to succeed in the digital single market.

🇱🇺 VAT ID for Luxembourg

The VAT ID format in Luxembourg is 'LU' plus 8 digits. An example of a Luxembourg VAT ID is 'LU99999999'.

The Administration of Registration, Estates and VAT handles tax administration in Luxembourg. A small landlocked country in Western Europe, Luxembourg is known for its developed economy, high standard of living, and the historic Luxembourg City. As an EU member, Luxembourg's VAT system complies with the EU's common system of VAT.


Luxembourg is a small landlocked country in Western Europe, nestled between Belgium, France, and Germany. It's known for its developed economy, high standard of living, and for having one of the highest GDP per capita globally. Its capital, Luxembourg City, is famed for its fortified medieval old town perched on sheer cliffs.

The Administration of Registration, Estates and VAT handles tax administration in Luxembourg. This body administers taxes like income tax, corporate tax, property tax, and VAT. It also oversees registration fees and inheritance taxes.

The VAT system in Luxembourg, a member of the EU, complies with the EU's common system of VAT. Luxembourg has one of the lowest standard VAT rates in the EU at 17%. It also applies reduced rates of 14%, 8%, and 3% to certain goods and services. The VAT ID format in Luxembourg is 'LU' plus 8 digits.

🇱🇺 VAT rates for Luxembourg

When conducting business transactions in Luxembourg, it's essential to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of VAT-related information. You can easily verify the validity of a company's VAT number through Luxembourg VAT number verification services.

List of 🇱🇺 VAT rates Luxembourg
VAT rate type VAT rate Specific categories of goods or services
Standard VAT rate in Luxembourg 17% Other goods and services
Reduced VAT rate in Luxembourg 8% Food
Exempt VAT rate in Luxembourg 0% Healthcare services
Educational services
Financial services

By using Luxembourg VAT validation methods, you can confidently look up and check VAT IDs online, confirming their authenticity and compliance with the required format. Through a seamless Luxembourg VAT ID validation process, you can also verify a company's VAT registration status, guaranteeing smooth and compliant dealings.

Rest assured, with these reliable tools, you can verify Luxembourg VAT numbers effortlessly and conduct business with confidence.